Signs of Engaged Learning

It’s hard for me to gauge where the students are at because I can only be there for a short time and not see their progress in between classes. Kate, however, told me a couple stories that delighted me. Apparently, there was a fire alarm and the students needed to evacuate to a nearby school. One of the student teams used this opportunity to take the camera to interview people. Then when the firefighters came, the team doing a story on firefighters and paramedics got to get their exclusive interview along with suitable supporting footage of the firetrucks. It seems to indicate that they see the learning opportunity events can have. The camera is just a fun way to justify it. If only us adults can also tap that innate curiosity to re-discover and re-learn.

One last story. One of the teams interviewed Sunday Omony, a plus-sized model. The students were ecstatic at the chance to meet someone so inspirational. Sunday in turn loved the chance to be interviewed. The students were quoted as saying, “this is an opportunity we can’t get at other schools”. It warms my heart to see the students connecting with role models who are engaged with community and life. And when you think about how young adults have learned throughout the ages, it has been through the guidance of caring, engaged adults.

So what I’m hopeful of… and we’ll see… is that the students are taking ownership of their own learning and connecting with those wonderful people and resources in the Calgary community.