Weddings are both a unique mix of the couple, families, friends, and a ritualistic and ceremonial celebration of the eternal. It's easy to be cynical of the idealistic and sometimes naive ideas of love, but I think it's still worth searching for the best of...

Elder in the Making is our first feature doc and it opened at the Calgary International Film Festival to a sold out crowd and critical acclaim. To find out more about how you can host screenings, attend workshops, or use this resource in an educational...

The National Music Centre and Hidden Story Productions partnered to put together a travelling roadcase that will make its way to rural elementary schools across Alberta. Inside the students will find tools to tell their stories of music. Here's one of five mini-videos we shot...

Not having a lot of experience with the LGBTQ community and what even those letters really mean, I gained new perspective when interviewing people for Yiorgos' Acts of Greatness project. Gender flexible and androgynous were just a few of the terms I learned. More revealing...

:An aboriginal and a settler go on a Treaty 7 roadtrip Over the last year I have been getting to know the cast and crew of the Making Treaty 7 theatrical production. Seeing native and non-native actors, playwrights, dancers, and musicians studying, exploring, and expressing the...

  Sometimes the most important hidden story is the one concealed right underneath your local history books. All my life I have lived on Treaty 7 land and know not a single fact about it. I was born in Montreal with a Chinese heritage, but I grew...

While a camera is a tool for storytelling, I think many artists develop a relationship with their tools. It's like good friends you have come to know with time. You also know there is never one friend (unless you are supremely lucky) that meets all...

Tell your story through the words of people you've impacted. In this short video, two individuals share how learning basic math skills has changed their circumstances and the lives of those around them in dramatic ways. Produced for the SustainAbilities program by Literacy Alberta....

Momentum hosted a national conference of people dedicated to the development of the most vulnerable in our society. A message that came through really clearly was that all the current asset-building policies support primarily those already with wealth. The more you have, the more you...